Website Services

Content Management

Website Self Management using a Content Management System (CMS)
High technology site management with low level learning curve.

  • Ideal for businesses of any size
  • Clubs, Associations & Organisations
  • Franchise businesses (multiple tier websites)
  • Individuals for personal use
Our flagship application is built using Microsoft ASP.NET* 2.0/3.5/4.0 running on MsSQL professional database, ensuring maximum stability and reliability. 


Design & Functionality

We focus on the proven elements  for websites success.
  • Look... balancing first impact with long term appeal
  • Feel... Creating a comfortable environment.
  • Intuition... Predicting your visitors expectations.
  • Usefulness... A reason to value returning for.
  • Loyalty... Expectation of personalised attention.
  • Purpose... Ensuring your message gets across

Search Engine Optimisation

Highly sought after search results can be yours 
  • Search Engine Optimisation Services
  • Fast turnaround on indexing of your site
  • Webmaster tools to fine tune google
  • Google Analytics
  • Meta Tag / Website Optimisation

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